2023 QLD Best Prefabricated Composite Pool up to $30,000

2023 SPASA award-winning prefabricated composite pool by Prestige Plunge Pools, showcasing a small, sophisticated round pool design perfect for professional athlete lifestyle, located in Gold Coast, Queensland.

The 2023 QLD Best Prefabricated Composite Pool up to $30,000 award was bestowed upon a truly deserving project by Prestige Plunge Pools. This compact yet powerful design is a testament to the fact that size does not always equate to impact. The round pool, nestled in the heart of Gold Coast, exudes a relaxed sophistication that seamlessly blends with the surrounding home. More than just a visual delight, the pool also serves a functional purpose, catering to the lifestyle of its professional athlete owners. It’s not just a pool, but a tool that aids them in consistently performing at their peak. This project is a perfect example of how a well-thought-out design can enhance a space and cater to the specific needs of its users.

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